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Firewall compliance auditor

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Preparing your firewalls for a regulatory or internal audit is a tedious, time-consuming and error-prone process. Moreover, while an audit is typically a point-in-time exercise, most regulations require you to be in continuous compliance, which can be difficult to achieve since your rule bases are constantly changing. With thousands of rules and ACLs across many different security devices, and numerous changes every week, it’s no wonder that preparing for an audit manually has become virtually impossible.

Simplify firewall audits and ensure continuous compliance

AlgoSec does all the heavy lifting for you. It automatically identifies gaps in compliance, allows you to remediate them and instantly generates compliance reports that you can present to your auditors. In addition, all firewall rule changes are proactively checked for compliance violations before they are implemented, and the entire change approval process is automatically documented, enabling you to ensure continuous compliance across your organization better than any firewall auditing tool.

With AlgoSec you can

  • Instantly generate audit-ready reports for all major regulations, including PCI, HIPAA, SOX, NERC and many others

  • Generate custom reports for internal compliance mandates

  • Proactively check every change for compliance violations

  • Make the necessary changes to remediate problems and ensure compliance

  • Get a complete audit trail of all firewall changes and approval processes

The Business Impact

  • Reduce audit preparation efforts and costs by as much as 80%

  • Proactively uncover gaps in your firewall compliance posture

  • Remediate problems before an audit

  • Ensure a state of continuous compliance

  • Used by all “Big Four” auditing firms


Learn from the experts. Get the latest industry insights

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AlgoSec for GDPR

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